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Holding- Gesellschaft

Hungaroco Kft.

Hungaroco Kft.

Unser Spezialgebiet ist die Planung und der Bau von Wasserbauobjekten und Einrichtungen der öffentlichen Infrastruktur. 

Wir fördern auch neue Technologien und Materialien auf dem Gebiet des hydrotechnischen Bauwesens und verfügen über umfangreiche Kontakte zu Planungs-, Kostenvoranschlags- und Betriebsorganisationen von öffentlichen Versorgungsunternehmen und Wasserversorgern in verschiedenen Ländern des euroasiatischen Marktes.


Unauthorised persons have misused the name HUNGAROCO Kft. in false online advertisements and emails, on WatsApp or similar messaging platforms. In this announcement, we would like to draw attention to the fact that we have learnt that unknown criminals have been sending misleading messages to foreign persons. The perpetrators promised jobs on behalf of HUNGAROCO Kft. and usually asked the recipients to pay various fees as well as send their personal details (mobile phone number, bank account number or other such details). Please be advised that HUNGAROCO Kft. does not, either directly or through others, seek labour in the territory of the member states of the former Soviet Union or outside the EU area. Please be very careful because there are certain signs that indicate misleading adverts or messages. Be careful if the company name in the letter is not quite accurate, or if you see spelling or grammatical errors, or if the style of the letter is hard to read or strange, the phone number given is not available, or the country codes are different. It is always suspicious if you are contacted by someone who is contacting you on behalf of an institution similar to our company and requesting personal information or asking you to pay an advance or reimbursement. In Europe, employment mediation is free of charge, the employer bears all costs. These „pre-employment“ fraudsters tend to be very creative and innovative. Scammers promising employment opportunities usually contact their recipients through online social networking sites or via email. If you have received such a parcel, it is assumed that there is a case of fraud, so never make any payment, in this regard and do not pass on your personal details, but report it to the police in your country.

Title Address Description
Budapest, A. 3. em. 1, Rákóczi út 27, 1088 Magyarország


Hungaroco Kft.

1088 Budapest

Rákóczi-Str. 27/A.
3. Stock, Büro 1.,

+43 676 686 0770

Alexander Tolmacev (Deutsch)

+36 70 3078168

Konstantin Khutornenko (Russisch, Englisch)